Asbestos Analysis
CatesLab provides asbestos-testing services for the identification of asbestos in bulk materials. We adhere to the highest set of QA standards.
Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM) - Bulk Sample Analysis (EPA 600/R-93/116) & Interim Method (EPA 600/M4-82-020)
Bulk Samples include:
Roofing Samples (multi-layered)
Soil Samples
Point Count Quantification
Gravimetric Analysis
Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) - Air Sample Analysis (NIOSH 7400)
Please submit all samples with a signed COC
Asbestos Testing Laboratory
The asbestos laboratory provides asbestos-testing services for the identification of asbestos in bulk materials. Cateslab has a broad range of experience in asbestos-testing services, including large projects and litigation work as a third party to resolve disputes between other laboratories. We provide asbestos-testing services for clients throughout the United States.
Significant projects include:
Texas Stadium Pre-Demo Analysis
First Baptist Church Dallas
Love Field Modernization Program
Natural Gas Plant Facilities across Southwestern U.S.
CVS throughout Texas
Eglin Air Force Base
DFW Airport
McDonald's throughout DFW
Carraway Hospital